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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sbarro Leftover galore

It was a bad decision that I've eaten a really heavy breakfast last Saturday. Supposedly, it would have been another monster of a Sbarro meal but I am full and so I just had to bring most of the food items back home (although I couldn't resist the white pizza and even consumed more than half of the serving size).

Lunch time was: a slice of white cheese pizza, bowl of tomato sauce (the killer sauce for me though you pay an extra 26 pesos) and a tiny portion of the leftover pasta (originally half-white and half-tomato sauce).

The tiny pasta leftover

Yummy white pizza, best eaten when you pour over some of the tomato sauce.

Dinner time was: a slice of all-meat pan pizza, a really tiny portion of the pasta leftover and a fraction of the garlic bread

The pizza is also good. I really love the tiny processed meatballs and the ham.

PS: the pizzas are already cut into smaller sizes but they still look real huge (not only in the pic). I guess a Sbarro Pizza can be cut into at least three smaller serving sizes so for the price it's definitely worht it.

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